Sunday, April 20, 2008

If you still haven't gone to my new blog!

if you haven't already. Please syndicate my new blog. Here is the RSS feed
It's at

Monday, April 07, 2008


Hurray! I have a new site that merges my portfolio site and my blog. This will be my last post to this blog. I hope you enjoy the new site.


Thursday, April 03, 2008

Ravi and Mac Together at last

These are two IQers that got the Jib Jab Treatment

IQ Paintball Video

Man, we've been doing stuff lately!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Portal: Free Flash Game - Pretty Good

Based on Valve's latest hit, Portal: The Flash Version brings it all up in 2d! Portal: The Flash Version includes over 40 challenging, portals thinking levels, which features almost every feature the real game does, in 2d - energy balls, cubes, turrets and even the famous crusher from the trailer.


Assassin's Solid 'Altair Snake' - Awesome April Fools Joke

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Monday, March 31, 2008

Friday, March 21, 2008

IQ Paintball Pics

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Rock Band Store launches, is awesome

The much-improved Rock Band store announced to the world yesterday is now available on Xbox Live and PSN. A 30-second download and installation gives players access to the streamlined song-buying interface, which features audio previews and individual instrument difficulties for each song, as well as a much simpler way to sort and browse through the growing selection of music.

Besides the cool new store, we're also extremely gratified by the much-needed faster loading of DLC provided by the patch. After a one-time file creation upon the first post-patch load, the annoying little "loading additional content" animation was reduced from roughly ten seconds to about one second in our tests on Xbox Live. The physical "download data file" that actually speeds up the process takes up a paltry 112KB on our system, meaning there's no reason not to rock out faster!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Entire TV Episodes and Movies at AND IT"S LEGAL!

Can you believe it. A place where you can watch tv and embed it on your website. They pay for it through ads (just like TV) and not all of them are full episodes. The most important thing is it's legal. IP tv is on the way folks!

Hilarious Attempt to Capture Illegal Aliens fleeing a van.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Who needs real muscians anymore?

Buckhead church uses "Rock Band" in place of band for live song

David Crowder uses Guitar Hero controller for a live song

Will Ferrell in Step Brothers: Trailer

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My Newest Site Launch: Universal Studios Orlando

This one has been a year in the making. There has been a lot of blood, sweat, and tears for this. Universal will be launching it in April but they let us post it for awards etc.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008 VERY FUNNY!

Finished Bioshock and loved every minute of it!

So I got Bioshock for the XBOX 360 in October for my birthday. Since then about gazillion games came out that I wanted to play and I had, ya know, work. I finally took it from my pile of shame and unwrapped it. I played the demo, which was amazing, but something kept me from diving in. Probably the commitment.

This game is probably one of the best games I've played in years. The last time I was this drawn in by storyline and gameplay was the first Prince of Persia for XBOX. What can I say? The graphics are amazing, the art style is original, and it scared me out of my seat several times. The gameplay mechanic is a shooter first and foremost but has so many strategic elements to it that at times I felt like I was playing Mass Effect again. (Only it wasn't a chore) Everything in this game was so easy to pick up and yet was very challenging to finish. I love this game. If you have a 360 and you haven't played it. Make the commitment. It's worth it.

Here is the review:

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Whitboard Animation Starring ME!

When coming up with the 100 or more characters in the Whiteboard headquarters, we started looking around the office for faces. Turns out I made the cut for one of the feature animations. Take a look. This embed feature is part of the site. It's like UPS TUBE.

Friday, February 29, 2008

My Lastest Project - UPS Whiteboard Headquarters

I have been working at IQ Interactive on the UPS Whiteboard Headquarters site since August of 2007. As the Associate Creative Director, my job was lead the project from idea creation, presentation, design, production and launch. We had an amazing team of account supervisors, producers, developers and designers busting their tail to make the best version 2 of this site as possible.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Awesome Beat Boxing Dog Site

Get ready all you beat boxing dogs. This site lets you control this dog on the mic.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

Bank of America - U2 ONE BANK

This is apparently old but I never saw it and I cried when I did.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Wilhelm Scream Compilation

This is a scream sfx used since the 50's in every movie ever.

paper version of mario

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Monday, February 04, 2008

Interactive Art Director Site for Hyper Island

This is a pretty cool site for Hyper Island, a school in Sweden. It's advertising their Interactive Art Director Program.


Res HD - New Xbox Live Arcade Game blowing my mind

Last week a game was released on XBOX live called Res HD. It's a port of a playstation and dreamcast game. Basically it's like an arcade shooter but with a twist. Everything you shoot creates a rave like beat. The more intense the battle the more drum and bass you get.

I download the trial version because it looked interesting and the first level had me hooked. Not only did I have the speakers on my sound system cranked up but the visuals were so out there that I felt like I was on an acid trip.

This game is a must buy for 800 Microsoft Points. If you don't buy it at least check it out. I have embedded some gameplay footage below.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Visit Our New Baby Blog

Kristy and I posted a baby blog to update everyone! We call it "The Webblet Gazette"

Here is the link:
We had our 16 week appointment yesterday which confirmed the sex for us! Check out the blog to find out the news! There are two entries so to get to the first entry, you must scroll all the way down. The entry at the top is most recent.
We added a link for you to vote on baby names too! Happy voting!
Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's a Boy!

Well it's Official the webblet has a penis.
Congratulations Webblet! Way to be!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Killer Soccer Stunts

This is a ad for

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Falling Worship Leader

This is a video of a friend of mine leading worship. There isn't any audio... with the exception of your out loud laughter. Poor Guy.


Star Wars: Force Unleashed Web doc 3

Star Wars: Force Unleashed Web doc 2

Star Wars: Force Unleashed Web doc 1

Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Horrible Day

Today started to be a great relaxing day stuck inside because of the freezing whether. We sat around all day watching tv and playing games. Later that evening we decided to venture out to do some shopping for my pregnant wife's expanding wordrobe and to get me an ipod touch.

Half way there a dog runs across the road out of nowhere. It went right underneath the center of our Honda Accord and came out the back. It shocked me and threw my wife into tears. I pulled over to the side of the road, called 911, and checked out the damage. Kristy was ok. The dog was sitting in the middle of the road, obviously taking it's last breaths. I felt so bad. I have a golden retriever that I love and couldn't stand it if this had been my dog even though it had no collar or tags. I then checked out the front of the car. The bumper took a beating and would need to be replaced. It could have been worse except for that it had just been repaired last year from when a deer ran out in front of us and hit the same place. The car had also just recently been paid off. A few moments later a cop showed up and it seemed like it was something he had seen quite a bit as he started preparing to move the dog to get traffic going again. As I made my way back to the car I looked at the dog who was still panting but who's eyes looked vacant. He was the same color as my dog and it made me imagine Cooper's face in the place of it's own. The animal control lady then bent down to get a pulse and said "He's gone." and gave me a sympathetic smile. I went back to the car to find Kristy crying but otherwise together. We decided to go back home and when we got there Kristy said with a sad tone "well we went out to hit a dog and came back" which was too ironic to be funny but was true all the same.

For some reason the significance of what had happened didn't hit me until later that night. We hugged Cooper and felt bad that we had taken someone else's pet just to go home to love our own (which I know isn't true but we couldn't help feeling it). I also was awakened of how quick things happen. I was driving to the store with my expecting wife, I remember talking about which store we go to first and then... It could have been worse I guess. We could have braked and hit another car or swerved into a ditch. The only thing I could do was pray, thanking God for my family's safety and praying for the family that probably lost a good friend that day. I also kept wondering if I should have stayed and apologized to the family even though I wouldn't know what to say and would probably make it worse.

The car wreck would be an inconvenience at most. We had just started saving for an emergency fund that we were about to add our second contribution to. So even though it feels like wasted money, it's not for dumb emergency's like these. You try to prepare for simple things like this and then you're mad when they happen.

To end the day I went down to the basement to decompress and play my XBOX 360. I pushed the button and... (ahhhh) Three Red Rings of Death. This is microsoft's way of telling me it was my turn to have a dead Xbox. I called them and I can send it in for free under their extended warranty.

What a day. Such a day, in fact, that I had to write it down.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Mass Effect Review

Well I just finished Mass Effect, Bioware's new Action/RPG for the Xbox 360. I was very excited about this game because it carried the promise of realistic conversations. Where this feature was a little over-promised, it still was the only game that has gotten me to play an RPG. I've never been into the Final Fantasy or even Oblivion type games because of how much attention to detail and management it took. This game however, had me caring about my character and his relationships with my team.


The graphics, acting, and script are very good and I equate this game with a good sci-fi movie experience. The battle system is a great balance between 3rd person shoot (like gears of war) and RPG.


That's the good stuff, here is the bad. Though the game is amazing looking, you constantly are seeing textures building in which tends to take you out of the moment sometimes. This is weird considering I rarely see this problem in modern games. There is also a vehicle that you are in for quite a few battles throughout that is almost undrivable. It feels like you are floating with no gravity (which is not intentional) and causes you to die quite a few times. The worse thing is the save system that causes you to have to save in the menu almost everytime you accomplish anything in a level.

All that being said, I really enjoyed this game and it is setup in such a way that I know the next I play it the experience will be different. Everyone should at least try this game.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Apple impresses me again with MacBook Air

Introducing the world's thinnest notebook announced at MacWorld today.


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Netflix developing movie set-top-box with LG

This one's just coming across the wires, but apparently, Netflix is actually developing a movie set-top-box with LG Electronics. If you'll recall, there was quite a buzz surrounding such a device years back, but rumblings had remained largely dormant until a few months back. Slated to launch sometime in Q2, the networked player would purportedly allow owners to stream in movies for viewing on their television, and it's being reported that the feature would be "included in all of its various price plans... at no extra charge." Pricing deets on the LG device have yet to be disclosed, but we're told that the firm could "embed the receiver into its $799 dual-DVD player [likely the BH200]." According to Netflix Chief Executive Reed Hastings, the LG partnership will hopefully be "the first of many such deals" for the company, and he added that he'd love to "see a hundred Netflix-capable boxes," suggesting that there could be deals struck with internet-connected gaming consoles as well as cable / satellite providers. We'll be keeping an ear to the ground for further details.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Prepare for The Weblet

Just wanted to let everyone know that me (Josh Webb) and my wife have joined the procreation club and are expecting a baby in July. HURRAY!!!!